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Name: Lisa
Date: 01/28/2014
Message: Thanks for all you do in the Kingdom. You are an Oracle after God's heart in these times. It is refreshing to hear the undefiled Word of God.

Name: pastor willie thompson
Date: 01/01/2014
Message: Great studies of the word

Name: L
Date: 10/30/2013
Message: Professor, are you related to the Apostle Paul? I believe Paul would have teached this way...with great delight and enthusiasm. I hope that your students are as thrilled as you. lol. GREAT Study tonight. This alright tonight? lol Yes sir...

Name: Billie Jean Jackson
Date: 09/12/2013
Message: I am so inspired by your ministry. I pray that God continue to bless you and your ministry to reach the nation.

Name: Rosemarie G. Roth
Date: 08/09/2013
Message: Thank you and May the Lord bless your ministering.

Name: Wanda Jennings
Date: 06/19/2013
Message: Wonderful work you are doing Rev Driver

Name: jan Christmas
Date: 05/29/2013
Message: Beautiful web site, and yes please add my email address to your site, GOD BLESS, AND i AM so Happy I saw you on fb, and also to talk to your fantastic Dad GOD BLESS

Name: Doris Sims
Date: 05/01/2013
Message: This was my first time listen to the Bible class, I really enjoyed the teaching.

Name: Pastor Rob
Date: 01/23/2013
Message: Pastor Jay, If "ever" there was a prophetic clarion call in your devotions, there is one in your teaching today! "Excellent article" Sir, great word, may we the body of Jesus take heed, and as the Great Master himself Jesus would say, "Go and do likewise" -teach the word of God to our children, the succeeding generation!

Name: Evangelist MP
Date: 12/23/2012
Message: Hello Pastor Jay, What a beautiful work for ending 2012 and walking into 2013. Fresh Fire Devotional has always been a blessing in my life. Thank you for being strong, firm and steadfast in sharing the Word of God week after week to His people. God bless you and Fresh fire Ministries always.

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